How Having the Right Kind of Rival Can Help You Thrive in a Changing World

by Marina Munn and Simon Sinek Writer Simon Sinek believes that many of the struggles faced by organizations exist because their leaders are playing an infinite game with a finite mindset. One key aspect of cultivating an infinite mindset is to identify who your Worthy Rivals are — and study them. “Traditional competition forces us…
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How to Find Your Superpower

by Gwen Moran Determining strengths and weaknesses is an integral part of most professionals’ personal development. After all, if you don’t know where you’re strongest, you may have trouble aligning your work with your best skills and may even miss the boat on developing essentials skills for the future. An array of evaluation tools has…
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Want to Know a Secret?

Posts from Dave Sjolin and John Assaraf on NeuroGym Achievers Facebook Group Page Dave Sjolin: In reading many posts, I’ve come to realize that many of you are looking for that spark of motivation that will get you going (again). Unfortunately, motivation is not the spark that will get you moving. Motivation is a result….
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Want to Increase Your Worth By 50 Percent? Warren Buffett Says Honing This 1 Skill Is the Easiest Way to Do It

by Scott Mautz Warren Buffett is like that old EF Hutton commercial (and I’m dating myself here)–when he talks, people listen. And they listen because he talks and writes quite well. Which brings us to his latest gem of advice. Recently, he was with a young entrepreneur who asked him to share one piece of…
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How to Decide Whether to Fire Someone

by Rebecca Knight Deciding whether or not to terminate an employee is hard. “It’s an emotionally difficult task,” says Jay Conger, a professor at Claremont McKenna College and coauthor of The High Potential’s Advantage: Get Noticed, Impress Your Bosses, and Become a Top Leader. The decision is especially tricky if the employee in question hasn’t violated…
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