How to Find Your Superpower

by Gwen Moran

Determining strengths and weaknesses is an integral part of most professionals’ personal development. After all, if you don’t know where you’re strongest, you may have trouble aligning your work with your best skills and may even miss the boat on developing essentials skills for the future. An array of evaluation tools has emerged to help in this endeavor.

But among the varied strengths and weaknesses any given person might have, there is usually a dominant gift—an attribute, skill, or ability that is stronger than the rest. Decorated police sergeant, author, and reality television star Derrick Levasseur—formerly on CBS’s Big Brother and currently on Investigative Discovery’s Breaking Homicide –calls them “superpowers.”

A fan of superhero franchises like The Avengers, Levasseur reasons that the difference between you and your coworker can be compared to the difference between Superman and Spiderman. Both have similar goals, but the exceptional abilities that can realize them may be quite different, as he explores in his new book, The Undercover Edge: Find Your Hidden Strengths, Learn to Adapt, and Build the Confidence to Win Life’s Game.



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