From the Classroom: A Strategy for Applying the Growth Mindset Concept to Your Business

by Shirley Tan Conceptualized by Stanford University’s Professor of Psychology, Carol Dweck as a means of changing the educational process in today’s schools, the growth mindset is a concept designed to change how children and teachers approach learning and development. Although it was developed decades ago, it has continued to be considered a way of…
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How to Hire for Soft Skills 

by Ray Bixler What are soft skills? While many hiring mangers focus on hard skills, those abilities that are teachable and easy to identify (Can she code? Can he operate a forklift?), fewer focus on soft skills. Soft skills are subjective and much harder to list on a resume or explain in a cover letter….
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Many Employees Have a Mid-Career Crisis. Here’s How Employers Can Help

by Serenity Gibbons The “midcareer crisis” is a real phenomenon for many workers; research has shown that career satisfaction bottoms out when people are in the middle of their careers. For many managers, the problem is seeing those employees through to the other side. Many companies and leaders have failed to develop plans for the…
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Research: When Managers Are Overworked, They Treat Employees Less Fairly

by Elad N. Sherf, Ravi S. Gajendran and Vijaya Venkataramani Fair managers can reap big dividends. Extensive research finds that employees who feel fairly treated are better performers, helpful to colleagues, more committed to their workgroups and the organization, and less likely to steal or be rude to others. Acting fairly is not always easy….
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How to Succeed With Your New Boss

by Michael Watkins Your new boss will have more impact than anyone else over whether you succeed or fail. Your boss establishes benchmarks for your success, interprets your actions for other key players, and controls resources you need. Building a productive working relationship with him or her while you establish your mandate and negotiate for…
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