Start Onboarding the Day the Offer is Accepted

by Ilie Ghiciuc

The state of onboarding is that it often does not work.

30% of new hires quit within the first 6 months. Around 16% of them stated that they had left the job between the first week and the third month. A Bersin study found that 22% of turnover occurs with the first 45 days. A survey by Bamboo found 16.5% of new hires quit in the first week.

While many of these facts and figures may not line up exactly, one thing seems clear: the current state of onboarding is not helpful to businesses or their new employees. Many companies are turning to pre-boarding to help support new employees before they even start the new job.

Preboarding is the process of using the 4 C’s of onboarding (Connection, Context, Compliance, and Culture) to help integrate a new employee before they even begin the job.


We cannot overstate the importance of onboarding!  Here are additional links to help you evaluate your onboarding process or put a process into place:

Lifecycle Mastery: How to Do Onboarding Right»

Preboarding Stops New Hires from Walking Away from Already Accepted Offers»

How You Onboard Can Make a Difference in How Much Your Employees Care»

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