How to Win at the Sport of Business: If I Can Do It, You Can Do It
by Mark Cuban
(440) 331-0333
by Suzanne Lucas Job-hunting experts constantly give advice on networking. Connecting with people you’ve worked with in the past and meeting new people can be the best way to find a new job, find new people to hire, and build your client base. It’s a critical skill, and many of us need to be better at it. But sometimes,…
by Kurt Rakos The first weeks of 2015 have seen a plethora of warnings to employers about the imminent scarcity of talent. All predictions suggest that companies will find it increasingly difficult to recruit qualified candidates. Traditional hiring solutions such as job boards and LinkedIn are likely to attract active jobseekers, not the talent that…
by Suzanne Lucas When founders and CEOs look to hire and promote managers, they want people who exhibit leadership. But how can you exhibit leadership if you’re stuck in individual contributor roles? No one reports to you, and you’re not even a project manager. Good news is, leader isn’t a title, it’s a group of characteristics,…
by Jim Loehr