How Positive Thinking Builds Your Skills, Boosts Your Health, and Improves Your Work

by James Clear Positive thinking isn’t just a soft and fluffy feel–good term. Yes, it’s great to simply “be happy,” but those moments of happiness are also critical for opening your mind to explore and build the skills that become so valuable in other areas of your life. Finding ways to build happiness and positive…
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Emailing While You’re on Vacation Is a Quick Way to Ruin Company Culture

by Kate Denis Companies expend untold energy building culture—defining their values, revamping their office space, organizing holiday parties and volunteer outings. And yet many managers don’t seem to realize that while company culture can be really hard to build, it’s incredibly easy to destroy. And you may unknowingly ruin it in just two steps. Step…
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6 Things You Need to Keep Your Employees Happy (No, Money Isn’t One of Them)

by Glenn Leibowitz You might have seen the Gallup statistics that show that one out of two workers say they are “not engaged” with their job, while another 17 percent say they are “actively disengaged.” Even if you haven’t seen these numbers, evidence of employee disengagement often stares you right in the face in the…
Read More 6 Things You Need to Keep Your Employees Happy (No, Money Isn’t One of Them)

How to Deal with a Boss Who Stresses You Out

by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic Discussions of leadership tend to focus on its positive outcomes, such as innovation, employee engagement or organizational performance. However, for the majority of employees, the leaders in their organizations are a source of stress rather than inspiration. Indeed, for every transformational leader and emotionally intelligent manager out there, there are dozens of toxic…
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I’ve Spent 30 Years Studying Top Companies. The Best Workplaces Share These 7 Traits

by Chris McGoff A peak performance culture happens when people choose to adopt three specific ways of being and practice seven disciplines. Ways of being are choices you and your peers make about how you live, behave, and how you show up to others. In a peak performance culture, everybody advocates for the following behaviors…
Read More I’ve Spent 30 Years Studying Top Companies. The Best Workplaces Share These 7 Traits