
Our Process

With more than 25 years in the industry, we have perfected our process to efficiently and reliably match the best candidates with top companies.


1) Assess Client Needs

We confer with the primary client contact to assess the position-specific skill set, preferred experience and position functions. We also speak with members of the client “interview team” to capture the intangible elements of the company such as corporate culture, chemistry and critical elements desired in a new hire.

2) Confirm Expectations

We learn about your process for filling the position and confirm the time frame, interview schedule and availability as well as the impact of the open position on the organization.

3) Define Search Universe

We identify and target likely areas to locate candidates. We utilize our extensive network and contact base along with traditional methods of recruiting. These may include competitors, similar environments and vendors.

4) Recruit and Qualify Candidates

We begin the active phase of the search and contact the targets and referrals to locate appropriate candidates. We interview the most promising candidates while promoting the “story” of our client company.

5) Present Qualified Candidates

We inform you of their hot buttons and any pertinent information and insights not found on a resume.

6) Arrange Interview

We assist with scheduling and logistics of the interview.

7) Prepping and Debriefing

We have conversations with candidates and hiring managers prior to and after interviews. We have continued communication throughout the process.

8) Check References

We follow up with candidates’ references. We also have access to additional information through our industry network contacts.

9) Present Offer Package

We help the client prepare an offer that will be accepted on the spot. We also handle potential challenges such as counter-offers, and suggest the best timing for immediate acceptance.

10) Consult During Transition

If the candidate is currently employed, we guide them through the resignation period. We set expectations for the resignation meeting and coach the candidate on writing the resignation letter. We also stay in contact with them before and after the official start-date to help ensure an easy transition.

“For us, hiring is such a risk. It takes a year or more with someone to really determine if they’re going to work out – so it’s very important to get it right the first time. Nancy understands my requirements. I’m confident that I’m going to get good candidates.”

Mike A • More testimonials »

Find Top Candidates Now

Contact us at (440) 331-0333
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