This Is Why December Is The Best Month To Find A Job

by Mary Eileen Williams

As a job-seeker, does December bring about thoughts of kicking back, relaxing and taking a long winter’s nap? If so, you are not alone. Hiring drops dramatically during the holidays and the majority of people looking for work adopt the attitude that they will take these weeks off and then gear back up after the first of the year.

But this mindset results in a major disadvantage to those who succumb to the belief that “December is dead” as far as their job search is concerned. On the contrary, it gives an enviable leg up to the savvy seeker who chooses to keep their search active. The reason for this? Your competition levels drop dramatically!

Moreover, January and February generally represent the strongest hiring period of the year. So, if you stay active, make your presence known and build connections, you will be setting yourself up to be first in line when hiring takes off.  In truth, December can actually be the best time of year to look for work!

Here are three ways you can capitalize on the season to make real strides in your job search:
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